Friday, February 12, 2010

Why "Barefoot Traveler"?

We are all travelers.We travel to places, through experiences, through time. Our journeys take us through different routes, but one thing is sure, that one is, somehow, changed at each end of a journey. The process of traveling creates a metamorphosis, however small, in each of us. However trite this saying seems, it holds a universal truth, life is a journey. And I am midway through it.

Barefoot? In some instances, being barefoot signifies haste. But in this case, being barefoot means being exposed and bare. Unshod feet are not protected from the wind, water, snow, pebbles. As one's soul is exposed to the elements when we go through experiences.

I thought of many other titles......"Bits" meaning "morsels" and is also my nickname (Don't ask me why ... It seems like I was born with this name or at least grew up with it. I was called this ever since my memory began). This is , to me, a good title because shows "bits" of my life. "Sketches" is also one. This appeals to the frustrated artist lurking somewhere at the back of my psyche. "Wide-eyed Traveler" is another title that crossed my mind but I junked it because it painted an image of a bug,that had not digested it's food well and is suffering from it, in my mind. Then I settled for "Barefoot Traveler". I hope my justification for it is well enough.

So it is, I

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